Parapsychology, the study of paranormal occurrences, dives into the inexplicable, aiming at understanding experiences that extend beyond standard scientific understanding. This field includes a variety of phenomena such as telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), precognition (foreknowledge of events), clairvoyance (obtaining information about an object or event without sensory input), and psychokinesis. Despite widespread skepticism, parapsychology seeks to use rigorous scientific approaches to study these enigmatic experiences. Image by freepik The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw a surge in interest in spiritualism and the supernatural, which paved the way for parapsychology's development. J.B. Rhine was a pioneering person who conducted revolutionary extrasensory perception (ESP) research at Duke University in the 1930s. Rhine's study laid the groundwork for modern parapsychology by using statistical analysis to assess the legitimacy of psychic phenomena. ...
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