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Lost in Translation 😧 My Experience with an Inept Interviewer

I recently interviewed at a small size in-house service provider company for a senior position and below is my non newtonian experience. The corporation is a small/mid-sized organisation that traverses into in-house services, which means it handles and gives services on a small scale, which also appears to be an ideal environment for rapid growth. I was looking forward to the interview because I had only worked in multinational companies and Fortune 500 clients. With years of experience managing large scale projects and people across many time zones, my expectations for this interview were a little different. My interview experience was unlike that of any international, large-scaled corporation, and here's why.

Interview experiences can vary greatly, and occasionally, one may encounter an amateurish interviewer who leaves a lasting impression. Such encounters can be frustrating and disappointing, especially when an interview is supposed to be a crucial opportunity to showcase one's skills and qualifications.
During this particular 3rd round of interview, I found myself face-to-face with an interviewer who seemed ill-prepared and lacking in essential interviewing skills. From the moment the interview began, it became apparent that this individual had not thoroughly reviewed my resume or had the level of exposure I carried. The questions asked lacked relevance, often her understanding to the questions were largely confined with the limited exposure and experience she carried. It became increasingly challenging to convey my qualifications and experience when the expectation did not align with the role's diverse skillsets.

Furthermore, the interviewer displayed a lack of awareness of the sector and the job's unique requirements. Their limited knowledge became evident as they struggled to comprehend my answers and failed to ask followup questions that could have provided further clarity. It felt as though I was speaking to someone who lacked the necessary expertise to assess my suitability for the role.
What added to the frustration was the interviewer's inability to maintain focus and actively listen.  It was disheartening to know that my answers were not being given the attention they deserved, undermining the purpose of the interview. Moreover the interviewers lack of exposure to large multinational industries and lack of experience working in large scale international projects with multiple moving parts, globally stationed staff and cross skilled workforce was very evident in her response.  

Despite the interviewer's challenges, I maintained my composure and attempted to navigate the conversation as best I could. I made an effort to redirect the discussion towards my relevant skills and experiences, highlighting my experience despite the interviewer's lack of guidance. It was a challenging experience, but I learned the importance of adaptability and perseverance, even in unfavourable circumstances.

Encountering an incompetent interviewer can be discouraging, as it undermines the integrity of the hiring process and may leave candidates feeling undervalued. However, it's essential to remember that such experiences are not reflective of every interview or organisation. It is crucial to maintain a positive attitude, learn from the encounter, and continue pursuing opportunities that align with one's skills and aspirations.


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