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The Negative Impact of Digitalisation on Children

Digitalisation has transformed the globe, providing countless benefits and possibilities. While digital technologies have undoubtedly transformed many parts of our lives it is important to recognise the negative consequences they may have, particularly on children. Digital access if not adequately controlled, can deeply impact children's physical health, emotional well-being, interactions with others, and overall general development.

Negative Effects 

With the advent of digital gadgets and online activities, children's physical activity has decreased. Long durations of sitting and screen usage promotes sedentary behaviour. Which increases a sedentary lifestyle behaviour that in turn leads to multiple health risks like  obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Sleep disruptions is also linked to excessive usage of screens. Using digital gadgets before going to bed disturbs sleep patterns. The blue light produced by screens interferes with the generation of melatonin, a hormone necessary for sleep regulation. Sleep deprivation has a severe influence on children's cognitive capacity, attention span, and general health. Anxiety, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) all have been linked to excessive screen use.

Children who use digital media face unrealistic beauty standards and constant pressure to maintain online personas, all of which can contribute to low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. It has been studied that excessive online lifestyle results to reduced empathy and emotional intelligence. Because the digital world limits face-to-face contacts, children's opportunities to develop empathy and emotional intelligence are diminished. As online communication lacks emotional indicators, it may be more difficult for them to comprehend and connect with people on a deeper level.

The proliferation of digital gadgets has led in a decrease in children's face-to-face social contacts. They are more likely to spend time in a virtual settings than in face-to-face conversations. This can hinder the development of critical social skills such as effective communication and conflict resolution. Children are vulnerable to a wide range of threats in the digital world, including but not limited to cyberbullying, pornography, and encounters with online predators. The internet's anonymity can encourage people to engage in destructive behaviour, producing substantial emotional pain and perhaps long-term traumatic effects for children.

Challenges to Cognitive Development

The fast-paced nature of digital information, with its continual diversions and hyperlinks, might impair children's ability to concentrate and sustain attention. This might have a negative impact on their academic performance and learning results. The ease of access to information online frequently leads to passive consumption rather than active critical thinking. Children may become overly reliant on search engines and easily available solutions, which might impede the development of problem-solving abilities, critical thinking and independent thinking.

Excessive screen time has also been shown to decrease children's exposure to unstructured play and imaginative activities. Interactive digital media frequently presents predetermined scenarios and inhibits creative thinking, impeding the development of critical problem-solving and creativity abilities.

Reliance and addiction are very common behaviour. The addictive nature of digital gadgets and online activities can lead to reliance, impairing children's capacity to self-regulate and successfully manage their time. Excessive screen time might lead to decreased participation in other activities such as outdoor play, reading, and socialising.

Lets wind up

While there are numerous advantages and potential benefits to digital transformation, it is vital to understand and address its detrimental impact on children. Their physical and mental health, social relationships, and general growth should all be considered. While digitisation has clearly transformed our society, it is critical to recognise its negative aspects and assess their influence on the next generation. 

Physical health issues, mental and emotional difficulties, cognitive development and learning restrictions, as well as addiction and distraction issues, all contribute to the scourge of digitalisation for children. It is critical that parents, schools, and politicians realise these hazards and take proactive steps to safeguard children from the detrimental effects of excessive digital exposure. 

Some of the techniques that can help offset the negative impacts of digitalisation on children include balancing screen time with physical activity, boosting digital literacy, teaching appropriate online behaviour, and developing real-world relationships. We can ensure that digitisation becomes a tool for empowerment rather than a curse for our next generation by cultivating a healthy relationship with technology.


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