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Children of the Whispering Woods

 There was a frightening legend that sent shivers down the spines of the locals in Whispering Woods, a small, isolated town nestled deep within a dense forest. Every year, on the night of the full moon in July, it was reported that the cries of ghostly children could be heard echoing through the woods. These sounds were thought to be the restless ghosts of children who had died tragically, their sorrowful cries now haunting the forest.

As the night of the full moon approached, darkness fell on the town. People started locking their doors and keeping their youngsters inside after dark. The rumour spread, and parents urged their children not to go into the woods, especially on that ominous night.

Eliza, a curious young woman, was among the new residents of the town.  She'd just relocated to Whispering Woods and was intrigued by the weird stories that surrounded the woodland. Despite the cautions, Eliza's daring spirit conquered her.  She was determined to discover the truth behind the folklore, believing that the haunting cries had to have a rational explanation.

Eliza quietly sneaked out of her house on the night of the full moon and into the middle of the woodland. The moonlight shone through the trees, lighting the way ahead. The air became colder as she walked farther into the woods, and the rustling of leaves took on a spooky quality. Eliza had been walking  for what seemed like an hour when she heard a faint, faraway sound—soft moans that appeared to pull towards it. She followed the sound, forcing her way through dense underbrush until she came to a clearing. A decaying long-abandoned orphanage stood in the centre of the clearing, lit by the weak light of the moon.

As Eliza approached the orphanage, the cries became louder.  The windows were shattered, and the walls were covered with moss.  As Eliza crossed the boundary, a shiver ran down her spine. The room was dark and musty, filled with the echoes of long-forgotten grief.

Cries seemed to surround Eliza as she moved farther inside the orphanage, coming from all directions. She followed the sound up a creaky staircase into what had to be the old nursery. She noticed shadowy figures of children crouched in the corners, their features hidden by shadows, in the moonlight.
Eliza reached out with trembling hands to touch one of the figures, only to feel a freezing wind flow through her. The cries became louder and the figures began to move, their floating forms twisting and flowing as though locked in a tragic movement. Eliza fell backwards, terrified, and fled the building.  The cries followed her as she ran through the woods. The woodland itself seemed to be alive with the misery of lost souls. She emerged from the woods, breathless and scared, and collapsed on the outskirts of town.

The next morning, the townspeople discovered Eliza, pale and frozen. She described her terrifying experience, the haunting cries, and the ghostly children. Some sympathized, while others disregarded her story as a nightmare because of the towns stories. But they could see a deep-seated anxiety in her eyes that could not be ignored.

From that day on, The legend of the weeping children took on another level of terrifying reality in Whispering Woods after that day. Every year on the night of the full moon, the cries of ghostly  children continued to resonate through the forest, an ongoing reminder of the tragedy that had occurred at the abandoned orphanage. Eliza, on the other hand, was haunted by the memory of that tragic night, unable to escape the fact  that she had met a darkness that defied explanation.


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