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Midnight Drive


The moon hung low in the dark at midnight sky, sending an unsettling silver glow across the deserted highway. The air seemed thick with unease, as if nature herself was warning of what was to come. Sarah tightened her grip on the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white as she hurriedly checked her rearview mirror. 

She'd been driving for hours, hoping to be at her destination before sunrise. The road in front of her seemed to continue on forever, bordered with crooked  trees that seemed to whisper secrets in the wind. The only sounds were her engine's steady hum and the distant howling of a lone wolf.

Sarah's anxiety set as the minutes passed. Shadows moved at the edge of her vision, shapes that vanished as she turned her head. She believed she saw figures standing on the side of the road, their eyes glowing like distant stars every now and again. She tried to dismiss the feeling by blaming it to exhaustion and her busy imagination.

The radio began to crackle and produce a flash of static before settling into a faint, sorrowful melody. Sarah's pulse raced as she heard the lyrics, which seemed to speak directly to her anxieties. She reached for the volume dial, ready to turn it off, but her fingers froze when she noticed it was already at the lowest setting.

Her breath caught in her throat as the road ahead twisted and contorted, the concrete becoming an uneven strip of darkness. She blinked frantically, attempting to remove the illusion, but the road remained distorted and strange. Panic clutched at her chest, forcing her to press harder on the accelerator pedal, trying to escape whatever malicious power was at work.

A person emerged from the shadows ahead. Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she realized it was a hitchhiker, their figure backlit by the dim glow of her headlights. Every instinct told her to continue driving, yet a weird desire pushed her to slow down and stop.

The hitchhiker's face was hidden behind a worn-out cloth, but their eyes shone  with an eerie intensity. In her head, a voice whispered, like the rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind, begging her to let the stranger in. Sarah opened the passenger door with shaky hands, the mechanical click ringing like a death bell.  The hitchhiker entered without saying anything, with the scent of damp earth and rot sticking to them. The cabin of the car became colder, the windows misting up despite the dry night air. Sarah's heart beat in her ears as she cast a sidelong peek at her passenger, only to be met with unblinking eyes.

"Where are you headed?" Sarah's voice trembled as she struggled to speak, trying to calm her growing panic.

The hitchhiker's lips twisted into a smile, showing teeth that glistened in the moonlight. "I'm going wherever you're going, my dear driver," their voice a silky blend of darkness.

Sarah's heart beat quicker, her instincts screaming for her to flee. The road ahead seemed to go on forever, leading to an unknown destination. Outside, the world had turned into a nightmare landscape of twisted trees and shifting shadows.

Sarah's grasp on reality began to weaken as her car accelerated onward. The borders between nightmare and reality began to blur, as the haunting song on the radio became more louder, drowning out her thoughts. She tried to scream to return to the world she knew, but her voice was lost in the chaos. 

The road twisted and turned, leading deeper into the night. Sarah's surroundings had turned into a blur of horror and illusion, and she understood with a terrible sense that she had entered a place beyond reason, beyond escape.

So, lost in her own nightmare, Sarah drove on, into the darkness into the night.


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