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Lost in Translation 😧 My Experience with an Inept Interviewer

I recently interviewed at   a small size in-house service provider company  for a senior position and below is my non newtonian experience. The corporation is a small/mid-sized organisation that traverses into in-house services, which means it handles and gives services on a small scale, which also appears to be an ideal environment for rapid growth. I was looking forward to the interview because I had only worked in multinational companies and Fortune 500 clients. With years of experience managing large scale projects and people across many time zones, my expectations for this interview were a little different. My interview experience was unlike that of any international, large-scaled corporation, and here's why. Interview experiences can vary greatly, and occasionally, one may encounter an amateurish interviewer who leaves a lasting impression. Such encounters can be frustrating and disappointing, especially when an interview is supposed to be a crucial opportunity to showcase o

Unravelling Autism: Exploring Treatment Approaches and Children's Supportive Measures

Autism Spectrum illness (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental illness characterised by difficulties with social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviours. It affects millions of children worldwide, impacting their daily lives and developmental milestones. While there is no known cure for autism, early intervention and tailored therapy can improve the quality of an autistic child's life. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of autism in children and explore some effective strategies to manage it. What is Autism ? Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex condition that manifests differently in each affected child. It is a spectrum condition, which means that individuals might have a wide variety of symptoms and degrees of disability. Children with autism frequently struggle with social interaction, especially communicating and comprehending nonverbal clues.  Early Signs and Diagnosis Recognising autism's early warning symptoms is critical for early interventio

Will Chat GPT eliminate human jobs? the New AI's Social Media Fad

Throughout my 11 years of professional technology experience in a variety of industries across the globe, we automated most legacy systems like APAR, oil and gas rigs, manufacturing, energy and utilities systems, and so on. Never did I anticipate that one day people would start asking if AI would completely replace humans. So what is artificial intelligence (AI)? AI is the theory and development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. AI has been evolving since the invention of computer programming. Christopher Strachey successfully developed the first artificial intelligence (AI) in 1951. Artificial intelligence (AI) has always coexisted with humans, and just as people rely on technology, AI relies on humans. We have utilised a variety of AI programmes in recent years, notably H20 AI, Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant, and many more. While these AIs are trained to do certain jobs, their backbones are mainly self-learning

Partition: A Haunting Story

We were all humans until, race disconnected us, religion separated us, politicians divided us Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh Train to Pakistan is a compelling and melancholy novel set against the backdrop of the partition of India in 1947, written by acclaimed Indian novelist Khushwant Singh. It explores the turbulent era when the Indian subcontinent was separated into two nations, India and Pakistan, resulting in large migrations and severe violence. Singh's moving narration and rich images make this book an essential read for everyone intrigued by the 1947 tragedy and the intricate details of partition.   The tale is set in the fictitious village of Mano Majra, near the border between India and Pakistan. The story follows a diverse cast of people who are caught in the crossfire of religious and political tensions. Each character, from the Sikh moneylender Hukum Chand to the local Muslim spiritual leader Imam Baksh to the mysterious and intriguing Iqbal, reflects a unique pe

Strategies for Effective Stress Management: Your Guide to Inner Balance

In todays fast paced world stress has become an inevitable part of our daily lives. Chronic stress may have a negative impact on our mental and physical health whether it is caused by job pressure, personal relationships, or financial problems. However by employing appropriate stress management practises we may negotiate life's problems with resilience and maintain a feeling of balance. In this article we will look at a number of methods for dealing with stress and living a more healthy and rewarding life. Recognise the Signs and Sources of Stress Understanding the nature and impact of stress is critical for successful stress management.  Recognising stress signs and symptoms, such as physical, emotional, and behavioural indications, enables people to take proactive efforts towards stress reduction.  Physical symptoms include headaches, muscular tightness, and sleep difficulties, as well as emotional markers like impatience, anxiety, and loss of attention. Individuals can begin to

The Negative Impact of Digitalisation on Children

Digitalisation has transformed the globe, providing countless benefits and possibilities. While digital technologies have undoubtedly transformed many parts of our lives it is important to recognise the negative consequences they may have, particularly on children.  Digital access if not adequately controlled, can deeply impact children's physical health, emotional well-being, interactions with others, and overall general development. Negative Effects  With the advent of digital gadgets and online activities, children's physical activity has decreased. Long durations of sitting and screen usage promotes sedentary behaviour. Which increases a  sedentary lifestyle behaviour that in turn leads to  multiple health risks like  obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Sleep disruptions is also linked to excessive usage of screens. Using  digital gadgets before going to bed disturbs sleep patterns. The blue light produced by screens interferes with the generation of melatonin, a

Exploitation in the IT Industry & The Plight of Underpaid Employees

The Plight of IT Employees The information technology (IT) industry has been critical in changing economies and societies in today's connected world. However, beneath the gleaming facade of growth and innovation lurks a harsh reality; labour exploitation through inadequate remuneration. This article dives into specific IT businesses' unethical practises, focusing light on the low pay offered to their industrious employees and the ramifications for individuals and the industry as a whole. IT firms have long been appealing to job searchers because of the promise of exciting work, professional advancement chances, and attractive compensation. However, certain companies profit from this desire by capitalising on their employees enthusiasm and innocence. These companies frequently underpay their employees, which causes a slew of personal and societal problems. Just like a radish tied to a stick makes a donkey run , most of our IT companies use similar strategies to lure employees. W

Embracing Eco-Friendly Products for a Greener Tomorrow

The Importance of Environmentally Friendly Products The globe has become increasingly concerned about environmental sustainability in recent years. We must act quickly to protect our planet in the midst of growing concerns like climate change, deforestation, and pollution.  One big way we can help is to include eco-friendly items into our daily life. This article will explain the importance of using environmentally friendly products, underlining their good impact on the environment, human health, and the global economy. Environmental safeguarding The widespread use of conventional objects, many of which are made from nonrenewable resources and harmful chemicals, has had a severe influence on the environment. We may lower our ecological footprint and limit our contribution to environmental damage by adopting eco-friendly alternatives. Eco-friendly items are made with sustainable technology, renewable resources, and non-toxic components. Choosing biodegradable cleaning solutions, aids in

Anxiety Free Living: Everyday Strategies for a Balanced Life

Anxiety is a growing problem in today's fast paced and demanding environment. It affects people of all ages and backgrounds, making good anxiety management measures crucial. This article seeks to give insights on anxiety, its origins, and practical strategies to assist individuals overcome and manage anxiety in their daily lives. By applying these tactics, one may reclaim control, lessen the impact of anxiety, and live a more satisfying life. Understanding your Anxiety  Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, perceived dangers, or unclear situations.It causes a variety of physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, like agitation, racing thoughts, excessive concern, and difficulties concentrating. While some anxiety is acceptable, it can have a major impact on daily functioning and overall well-being if it becomes chronic and overpowering. Recognising Patterns & Triggers To successfully cope with anxiety, it is critical to recognise the triggers and patterns that lead to its r

Yoga: Awakening the Body, Mind and Soul for a Holistic Well Being

Let's start with what Yoga isn't As the West wrongly perceives it , yoga is not about wearing tights and engaging around on a mat holding various poses. What it is, is merely a business ploy or idiots on social media. So what exactly is Yoga? Yoga, an ancient Indian practise, that has achieved international acclaim for its transformational benefits on the body, mind, and soul. In a fast-paced and busy world, yoga offers a refuge of tranquilly and self-discovery. This article delves into the many facets of yoga, giving light on its physical, mental, and spiritual advantages. Yoga has grown from its beginnings in ancient scriptures to its broad embrace as a worldwide phenomenon into a comprehensive discipline that promotes holistic well-being. Yoga provides a way to self-awareness, inner serenity, and personal progress by integrating physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and ethical ideals (yamas and niyamas). A Way of Life and Self Discover

The Magic of Gratitude: Unleashing Abundance in Your Life

A peek into the The Magic Rhonda Byrne's seminal book "The Secret" exposed the world to the life-changing concept of the Law of Attraction in 2006. Following the phenomenal success of her first book, Byrne released "The Magic," a profound investigation of the power of gratitude and its capacity to improve our lives. Today, we'll look at the essence of "The Magic" and how its lessons might help us unlock the door to a world of prosperity and joy. Understanding the Law of Attraction To truly appreciate "The Magic," you must first understand the fundamental premise upon which it is based i.e. the Law of Attraction. According to this fundamental rule, our ideas and emotions have a direct impact on our world. By intentionally focusing on good ideas and emotions, we may attract wonderful events, people, and circumstances into our life, according to Byrne. The Power of Practicing Gratitude "The Magic" is built around the transforming p

Taurus: From Earthy Roots to Luxurious Pursuits

TAURUS The bull is the astrological symbol for Taurus, the second zodiac sign. Taureans are those who were born between April 20 and May 21. This sign is controlled by the planet Venus and is linked to the element earth. Taureans are well known for their pragmatism, persistence, and enjoyment of life's finer things.  Personality traits People born under the sign of Taurus are regarded for being dependable and steadfast. They possess a strong sense of tenacity and are realistic, practical, and determined. Taureans may persevere in the face of setbacks and are frequently exceedingly patient. Indulging in life's finest goods is something they frequently do, and they are also recognised for their love of luxury and comfort. Taureans sometimes fail to adjust to change since they are rigid and unyielding. They are also renowned for being possessive and jealous, especially in close relationships. They will go to tremendous measures to safeguard and take care of those they love, and th

The Power of 30: Discover the Incredible Benefits of Daily 30-Minute Exercise

Introduction "Are you looking for a simple and effective way to boost your health and well-being?" Certainly! Your physical, mental, and emotional well-being can be significantly improved by exercising for just 30 minutes a day. One of the most effective methods you have for boosting your general health and improving your quality of life is regular exercise. Including 30 minutes of exercise in your daily schedule can have several advantages, whether you're an expert exerciser or just getting started. Let's look at a few of the amazing benefits you can enjoy by exercising for just 30 minutes a day. The benefits of 30 minutes of exercise every day. Your physical, mental, and emotional well-being can significantly improve with just 30 minutes of exercise per day. Regular exercise is a potent tool that can improve your whole quality of life, from enhancing cardiovascular health and maintaining a healthy weight to lowering stress and boosting mood. You can access a